Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Alton Brown's Superfood list

The other day Josh recommended I watch the Dr. Oz show because it was going to be about "Why women are so exhausted." Of course that explains me perfectly! I'm always so tired and never have energy so I figured I'd give the old Doc a shot. In this show he talks about how none of us eat right, shocker!!! lol!

Halfway through the program Alton Brown comes on and introduces the way he lost weight and kept it off by eating healthy foods. He explained exactly what foods we should have daily and what foods to completely avoid. It was very interesting!!!

We've been giving his little lists a shot and I'm feeling better about my food choices. Here they are below:

His presentation was quite intriguing. Check it out for yourself. He also gives a recipe for a low cal chocolate pie....mmmmm!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Juice head...the good kind ;)

So I got a really cool Christmas gift from my honey. :) I'm so excited to use it!!!! As you can see he also bought me the BIG BOOK OF JUICES to help me out with recipes. I'll post recipes as I make them and let you guys know how they taste. Here are just a few of the ones I can't wait to try!

I'm back....with a great cookie recipe!

But I can't take all the credit.... A Tasty Kitchen posted this on her blog first. :)

There's only 4 ingredients in this recipe which I love love love!!!

1 cup Nutella
½ cups Sugar
1 cup All-purpose Flour
1 whole Egg

Preheat oven to 350 F.
Blend all ingedients together well. Form into 1″ balls. Place on a cookie sheet. Press down firmly with the bottom of a glass. Bake 7-8 minutes or until set. Cool. Don't overcook!

These cookies come out tasting like the edge of a brownie crust with the inside chewy. MMMMMMmmmmm....

I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I've been organizing my sewing supplies and will be posting some more blogs soon!