Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Stitch Fix #6: February, 2016

Stitch Fix is a personalized shopping experience!

1. Start by filling out your style profile - you will answer questions on sizing, pricing, color preferences, etc. You can also write notes about what you like and don't like (mine says "no tie waisted tops/tunics or boyfriend jeans).  Make sure to link your Stitch Fix board on Pinterest so your stylist can see what you like and what to send you! 

2. Order your first fix! Your card will be charged a $20 styling fee.  If you keep any item you will be credited back the $20.  You should keep at least one item or you are basically giving away $20 for nothing in return. You will receive 5 items [made up of clothing, jewelry, and handbags]. You can always opt out of anything you don't want.  Mine says no earrings/bracelets.

3. Decide what you want and what you want to send back [in a postage paid envelope-no cost to you]! You have 3 business days to do so - try everything on and go outside your norm and comfort zone!  That's what makes Stitch Fix so fun! 

You can change the frequency of your fixes and this is in NO way a subscription service that you can't get out of.  You can cancel at any time.  :)  Leave plenty of comments for your stylist on what you like/don't like.  I know some people are curious on the pricing, most items are $50-$100 range.  You can even set the $ amount that you would like to spend or tell your stylist to keep things under a certain amount.  

First of all let me start by saying that I have been doing Stitch Fix for a few months, trying to find the best stylist...and I've found her!  Ding Ding!  I love you Emily!

I do NOT claim to be fashionable although I love fashion.  I am just trying to update my wardrobe with classic, nice pieces that I can use forever.  My weight fluctuates so that's another thing I always take into account.  I bounce between 105-112/115 lbs.  That may not seem like a big deal to most people but to me it is the difference between a 0, 2 or 4.  I have all of the above sizes in my closet but lately I have been bopping around 107 lbs.  I have a super long torso. So long that tops are hard to find that are long enough to cover my bum.  :( 

Here we go:

Leopard cardigan she is talking about:

These are my items:

and my infinity feather print scarf not pictured above.

I had pinned this Blank NYC Lettie Faux Leather jacket after seeing it on the Living In Yellow Blog...so cute.  (Kept -XS)

This is another top I had pinned (did I mention how awesome Emily (my stylist) is?).  Its the Market & Spruce Xander Short Sleeve Woven Back Sweatshirt.  (Kept-XS)

Too Cute!!!  
Octavia Harmony Feather Print Infinity Scarf (Kept)

Daniel Rainn Thornwood V-Neck Blouse...in love!!!!  (Kept-XS)

Lila Ryan Liza Distressed Skinny Jean (Kept-0)

Scarf...cute right?  Aww....look at my beautiful fur baby in the background!

Omg, let me apologize for the lighting.  I'm going to figure out a better place to put my mirror to do these reviews.  These are the skinny jeans.  Note to self, lay off the King Cake during Mardi Gras!

The Xander Short Sleeve Woven sweatshirt.  Dude, this thing is so comfy and I love how at first you just think its a plain top...

and then, Bam!  Pink.  Ignore my sports bra...heh.  

I love you I love you I love you Thornwood blouse!!!!

I have been looking for the perfect moto/leather jacket and here it is!

zipped up.  Again, sorry for the lighting.

Overall I couldn't be happier and that's sometimes hard on the budget but these are great pieces!  Emily, I'll see you in a month!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Potty training is fun! Said no one, ever.

My son has never been scared to use the potty.  Honestly, he was just lazy and didn't want to stop what he was doing in order to try to go potty, so guess what?  He hated it!!!  

I screwed this experience up royally.  I would give in and quit too soon.  And trust me, kids this young are far from stupid!!  We had tried multiple times to potty train.  I tried the Cheerios, the rewards, the underwear only for a day (eww), the clapping and screaming when he would pee on the potty, etc. 

He met all the "requirements" for all the websites stating "your child is ready when....he/she does these certain 10 things."  One of them was waking up each morning with a dry diaper and I noticed around his 3rd birthday that he wasn't having any wet diapers during the night anymore.  I was also uber jealous of all the other kids in his class at daycare who didn't have diapers in their "buckets".   My coworker said as soon as I was really tired of buying diapers I would make it happen and boy was I!!!!

Hmmm...I think it's time to try again.  This time I wasn't going to give up.  The Taurus in me took over.

I took everyone's advice. Every day when we got home from work/school the diaper came off and big boy undies went on. It was messy. He was pissed when I would make him go potty.  He would cry and I would cry.  I sucked it up and as a friend told me "you are the boss, not him."  I stuck to my guns. He would play in his pee on the floor.  He didn't care if he was wet.  I was losing my mind.

This continued for about 5 days then bam, it happened.  Just like that.  He didn't want to be wet in his diaper and I wasn't caving and he knew it.  I just had to stick to it and be the boss. 

Mommy and Kingston both won. 

Here is my potty trained little man enjoying pizza for his first day of daycare with no accidents.  That was 2 weeks ago and still going strong!  

Lesson?  I think the reason that they fail sometimes is because WE fail.
I gave up too soon.
I wasn't trying hard enough.
I was so concerned with the mess.
I thought he would just "get it."
I expected him to just do it without accidents.  So it wasn't him after all.  It was me.
I was the issue and it took me a while to learn but hey, we got this!  

Drops the diaper.  Drops the mic.  Does a cartwheel!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

It's been 4 years....

And I'm back!!!  I cannot wait to catch you guys up on my life!!!  I'm the proud single mommy of the sweetest 3 year old, I'm a distributor for Young Living (an amazing journey) and there's so much more. I'll be posting soon about Stitch Fix, Young Living and my goals for 2016!